Our Services

Phase 1: Creating a Strategic Partnership between Business & Educators

RoboneersThe journey to engage the majority of students across an entire school system who are excited to learn STEM and develop 21st Century Job Skills begins with the leadership commitment of the Superintendent. To ensure ultimate succeess the leadership of the local Stakeholders (especially business) must be in full support of the effort.  So our next step is to meet with the local business leaders and based upon our research gauge their readiness to support this effort.  DSC_0673(Key Learning)Based on this initial assessment we provide the Superintendent a plan for moving forward and give them the option to continue the project.

If we all agree to continue to move forward then the next step is to begin a school system wide project to implement an Afterschool STEM team in all middle schools (and elementary schools it desired) with the support of the local business leadership. Business and educators generally have little or no experience working together strategically.  The ultimate journey requires a close collaboration.  IMG_20150418_143846This first project will be the needed experience of working closely together on a critical project that will become the cornerstone of a long-term strategic relationship.  The project will cause students to have a delightful time during their first exposure to all of the attributes that are critical to delighting current employers and attracting new ones.  Students will also apply what they have/are learning about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to be successful in the project.  Students will have so much fun with the project that they will have no idea how much they are learning. For more information contact us

Phase 2: a Local Strategic Vision

This phase looks at ensuring sustainability as well as how we expand this program within the local schools system . Additionally, we must connect this to other initiatives currently underway and determine what other afterschool STEM programs might be appropriate to add to the mix. Finally, we want to explore how this level of student engagement and excitement might be expanded into the classroom if and when the timing is right. For more information contact us.

Phase 3: a Local Action Plan

In this phase we help create the action plan required to implement what was agreed to in Phase 2 that includes who, what, where when and why. For more information contact us.

Phase 4: Classroom Transformation

Ben Franklin QuoteIf appropriate the next phase involves classroom implementation.  To be successful, the students and teachers must find the implementation both exciting and engaging.  The best outcomes are achieved with student populations that mirror the demographics of the community.  And the tighter the relationship between K-12 educators and the business community the more likely you are to have exceptional outcomes. For more information contact us.

Phase 5:  The Local Workforce

The mission is to graduate students that have a wide range of career and college options.  Since the K-12 educators have been working in a hand-in-glove relationship with the business community, Graduation will be a time that students, parents, teachers, administrators and your partners in the business community and higher education will celebrate the quality of the graduates.

Because of the nature of the process, the participants will constantly strive to make the educational experience more engaging in order to continually improve outcomes.

The workforce being created has the skills and attributes that are so hard to find.  Your community will be consistently on the short list of places businesses want to locate. For more information contact us.

Phase 6: Communication

Change is very difficult and requires a great deal of communication.

Working with leaders from local business, school systems, higher education, parents and students we help craft and deliver  communications in multiple mediums that explain the urgent need for change.

With the entire community working together the students rapidly excel. For more information contact us.

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