FLL Coaches Corner

This page contains information used with our FLL Coaches training.


  1. What is the website address for all the 2017 resource manuals?
    1. https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/fll/hydro-dynamics-challenge-updates-and-resources
  2. Where is the FLL Coach Handbook?
    1. (https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/fll/hydro-dynamics/hydro-dynamics-coaches-handbook.pdf )
  3. Any tip for resources for new coaches:
    1. In the Coaches Handbook:
      1. See “Top 10 Tips for Rookie Teams” (page 17) in Chapter 2 Building a Team
      2. Appendix B Sample Schedule (week by week focus)
  • The “Quick Start Guide” (page 6) in Chapter 1 Getting Started
  1. Where are the instructions for the Buildings (Challenges) that are to be built from the Legos?
    1. All the Hydro Dynamics Challenge instructions can be found at:
      1. http://www.firstlegoleague.org/missionmodelbuildinginstructions?__hstc=212927755.f0947cfad8e3ae63b92a17cb7a4b590d.1503148362234.1503331047720.1505129881516.5&__hssc=212927755.1.1505129881516&__hsfp=4292017206
    2. Can you please direct us to the best place for directions on building the actual robot?
      1. Each team must decide for themselves their game strategy and best robot design for their game strategy (one of the judging sessions at the tournament is focused on Robot Design). However, there are many resources available to provide ideas (and details) about building robots. Here are a few suggestions for getting started:
        1. Within the programming software “LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Teacher Edition” click on the “Robot Educator” icon [left side of the main page] and then click on the “Building Instructions” tab.
        2. Google: “building ev3 fll robots”
      2. Where are the instructions for how to download the programming software?
        1. Go to: https://education.lego.com/en-us
        2. Scroll down to bottom of page and look at the lower right of the screen
        3. Under “Helpful Links” click on “Download your software” and the system will prompt you though the process to download the EV3 software.
      3. Where are the instructions on how to use the programming software?
        1. http://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms/learn-to-program
        2. Also in the EV3 Software under the “Robot Educator” tab


  1. In addition to the above, what else do we need? Where do we find this information?
    1. Challenge document
      1. https://firstinspiresst01.blob.core.windows.net/fll/hydro-dynamics-challenge-guide-letter.pdf )
      2. https://firstinspiresst01.blob.core.windows.net/fll/hydro-dynamics-challenge-updates.pdf
    2. Is there a definitive map somewhere that tells us exactly where we are to locate our buildings on our Challenge Field Mat?
    3. The field mat has precise marking for where each of the robot challenges are to be located.
    4. All the Hydro Dynamics Challenge instructions can be found at:
      1. https://firstinspiresst01.blob.core.windows.net/fll/hydro-dynamics-field-setup-letter.pdf
    5. What does our team need to prepare for a competition? (notebooks; presentation board; oral presentation; service project report?)
      1. Both the Coaches Handbook and the Challenge Guide contain information and suggestions to help a team prepare for competitions;
    6. The 5 requirements for the project are covered in the Challenge Document pages 6 to 9
    7. Robot Game Rules – contained in the Hydro Dynamics Challenge Document on page 15
    8. Robot Game Definitions – Contained in the Hydro Dynamics Challenge Document on pages 15 through 19
    9. Robot Missions – Objectives and point values – Contained in Hydro Dynamics Challenge Document pages 21 to 25
    10. Each team will have 3 judging sessions
      • Details on the judging sessions are contained in Chapter 8 of the Coaches’ Handbook (Pages 61 to 69)
  1. The Hydro Dynamics Coaches Handbook is available as a PDF (https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/fll/hydro-dynamics/hydro-dynamics-coaches-handbook.pdf).
    It is also available as an app for iOS and android phones and tablets. Read everything in the Coaches’ Handbook completely.  It has great detail on tournament structure, expected behavior, etc.
  1. Read the judging rubrics that can be found at:
    1. http://www.firstlegoleague.org/sites/default/files/hydro-dynamics/first-lego-league-rubrics.pdf
    2. If the rules and updated do not specifically prohibit something, then it is allowed.



  1. VERY important – Read the challenge updates anything that has changed since the challenge was introduced will be covered in the Challenge update. https://firstinspiresst01.blob.core.windows.net/fll/hydro-dynamics-challenge-updates.pdf
  2. What type of week-to-week support can we get from you all?
  3. If you thoroughly read the coaches’ Handbook and the challenge document, they will answer 98% of your questions.
  4. If you get stuck or need help beyond what is covered in those documents, call or email us.
  5. Is there a pacing guide out there to let us know how long each step should take along with a list of step by step procedures and timelines?
  6. The sample schedule can be found in the Coaches’ Handbook Appendix B


  1. Where do I find instructions for building a competition table?
    1. https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/fll/table-build.pdf